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                Home > Product

                Wheel sensors

                Inductivesensors which detect the metal mass of the rail wheel flange, using them togenerate electric impulses.

                TIEFENBACH‘sexpertise in the manufacture of wheel sensors is based on more than 30 years ofexperience in which these products have been consistently enhanced andimproved. The customer receives a product which has proven its high level ofoperational reliability in a multitude of applications.


                Technical characteristics

                ?  Non-contact and non-wear activation by the wheel

                ?  Maintenance-free with high durability

                ?  No need to adjust anything in the entire rail and wheel range proneto wear

                ?  Affixing the switch does not weaken the rail

                ?  Robust and weatherproof

                ?  Compact dimensions

                ?  Not affected by rail currents, harmonics, radio waves, etc.